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Who am I?

I am a graphic designer with an AP degree in design, tech, and business. I have a tremendous drive and passion for design and marketing, as it is a significant part of who I am. You'll often find me tackling a design problem in Adobe programs. Logo design on a Friday night? Count me in!

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"Since childhood my creative mind has always flourished.." 

Since childhood, my creative mind has always flourished through countless hours of sketching and coloring. This innate passion led me to the realization that I wanted to pursue something graphic-related. I have a strong drive to create design solutions based on creativity, aesthetics, and functionality. However, my particular interest lies in the recipients of our communication and how we connect with them. This is why I decided to specialize in marketing.

As my creative mind continues to evolve, so does my interest and curiosity in acquiring new methods, strategies, and trends within graphic design and marketing. I am particularly passionate about creating solutions in the realm of digital media, an area in which I am committed to expanding my expertise.

My designprocess

I approach my graphic tasks through a design process, ensuring that I complete all the essential phases in design that one should consider as a graphic designer.



Thorough research forms the foundation of every successful design task. I delve into the project's context, target audience, and market trends to understand the client's needs and requirements. This phase provides me with a solid groundwork to operate from and ensures that my design choices are well-informed.



Having gained an in-depth understanding of the task requirements, I begin to explore various sources of inspiration and design references. This phase is crucial for defining the project's visual direction and creating a conceptual framework for the upcoming design work.



In this phase, I translate my insights and inspiration into concrete design concepts. I explore different ideas, layout options, and design elements, always focusing on meeting the client's goals and creating a meaningful user experience.



With a solid concept in place, I proceed with the actual design process. I create visual elements, experiment with typography, colors, and imagery, ensuring that each design element resonates with the project's overall objectives and message.



Finally, I implement the final design with care and precision. I work closely with the client to ensure that the design meets their expectations and requirements. I also ensure that the final product is ready for use on various platforms and media.

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